Caterpillar and the circular economy – An endless beginning

Caterpillar and the circular economy – An endless beginning

Caterpillar and the circular economy – An endless beginning

The linear economy model, as we know it extraction-production-waste, develops and becomes a new circular model which constantly renews itself.

This is the circular economy definition. This model has the sustainability as its strongest point: regeneration of materials instead of waste.

From an eco-friendly point of view Caterpillar company’s aim is not to depend from the extraction and usage of natural resources, doing its best in holding into the productive process as much as possible all the raw materials as energy, water, soil, minerals… in order to become resources for someone else.

CAT Reman, a Caterpillar business unit, is a global low-prices and high-tech brand oriented at extending the raw materials life and at the restoration of the materials, offering to the customer more modern and innovative building machineries. In this way also the price of the equipment will be much lower than one of a new machinery.

This business division, that invoices one billion dollars per year and occupies four thousand workers all over the world, buys used Caterpillar building machineries, puts them back in order using recycled raw materials for the 80% of the total and CAT Reman promises also the 90% of efficiency more. These machineries are put on the market with a lower price, new warranty and new serial number. A complete Cat Certified Rebuild program includes more than 350 tests, inspections and the replacement of approximately 7.000 spare parts.

CAT Reman does not only serve its main company, it regenerates many products for different customers of various sectors, such as Perkins and Alcoa (industry), Ford (automotive) and Honeywell (components).

Caterpillar is so moving the base of its growth from the resources to the efficiency.